

Prepping is not only collecting things, stockpiling water, food, gear, guns or ammunition. There is another very important part of prepping and this is knowledge, skills, education, training, excercise, practise.

Knowledge, skills, education, training, excercise, practise.

Many preppers do not realize how is this part important in their preparedness. This process must be done from the first day of prepping and have to continue on daily basis. 

Knowledge and skills have a huge advantages. It has no weight, it is in your brain, nobody can steal from you, it stays forever, you can’t loost it unless you don‘t get sick – sclerosis or Alzheimer etc.

And therefore here in this section you will find educational information regarding prepping skills. Each article will be specific about one skill. You will also find in each article link to the list of literature and documents for free downloads.

All books, manuals and guides were freely accessible on the web via common  search engines. No one was hacked or cracked any illegal way. This process of collecting took long time.

Published books are in various formats – PDF, MOBI,  EPUB and AZW3. To open files and read you need to have some viewers as Adober Reader, Calibre, Kindle, etc.

If you have another available free books and want to add to our free EuroPrepper Library to help other prepper community, please send your files via our contact form.







Views 1831

Brief information about beekeeping and its use for SHTF.

Butchery, meat processing

Views 3174

Various books take you from field dressing to skinning and cutting the carcass, to preserving and storing, to making sausage and cured meat, to preparing delicious, well-rounded...